El papel de los diseños modulares en la artroplastia total de cadera compleja / ROLE OF MODULAR DESIGNS IN COMPLEX THA

#artroplastia total de cadera #total hip arthroplasty

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Editor’s note: At the International Congress for Joint Reconstruction’s Pan Pacific Orthopaedic Congress, Robert L. Barrack, MD, FACS, from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, discussed the use of modular implant designs in total hip arthroplasty. Following is his abstract for the presentation. The full presentation can be found here.
By Robert L. Barrack, MD

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International Congress for Joint Reconstruction

The role of modular designs in complex THA, plus more new content on ICJR.net http://conta.cc/1FvEVn8
Posted by International Congress for Joint Reconstruction on Miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015